Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
You would not look for anything else in the outside!
- Message No. 554 -

My child. Good morning. Tell Our children today that We love them. Tell them that the Father's love is greater than all the happiness and joy they have experienced so far in earthly life. Tell them that as soon as they give their YES to Jesus, this love will begin to flow through them, more and more, more and more tangibly, and that it is this love that purifies them from sin. Tell them how great the love of the Son is. It is a merciful love that forgives everything!
If you knew, My children, what power, what joy, what HEALING this love gives you, you would want to be constantly "in it" and not look for anything else outside!
It is the love which gives you vitality! It is the love which gives you joy! It is this so precious and wonderful love that brings you to the Father and lets you enter with Jesus into His New Kingdom!
My children. Prepare yourselves and allow the Holy Spirit of the Lord to "work in you"! Whoever is enlightened by the Holy Spirit has nothing to fear! Whoever is united with Jesus has nothing to fear! And whoever lives in God's pleasure has nothing to fear!
Align your lives completely with "Heaven" and keep to Our "instructions" in these and other messages. We are preparing you for the end of this world and for the coming glorious time!
Accept Our word and follow Our call! Then you will have nothing to fear. So be it. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation.
Source: ➥